Project Aims

E-FIX is committed to increasing access to new sources of finance for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. In particular, it focuses on unleashing the potential of energy performance contracting, crowdfunding and leasing in the European Union and the Eastern Neighbourhood.
There are vast opportunities in the E-FIX project region (AT, CZ, PL, HR, AM, GE) but numerous barriers (the legal and institutional framework conditions, a lack of qualified experts at the interface between finance and energy efficiency etc.) limit access to finance and hinder investments in the energy efficiency sector.
E-FIX addresses these constraints by building capacities among stakeholders, developing long-term strategies for energy financing and piloting model solutions related to energy performance contracting, crowdfunding and leasing in the partner countries.
The project will contribute to boosting energy efficiency investments, increasing relevant know-how across the project region through E-FIX Ambassadors and fostering the development of innovative financing tools. In that way, it will support the EU’s objective of becoming a low carbon economy and achieving climate neutrality.