Second Ambassador training in Czech Republic

2nd Ambassadors training took place in Prague, Czech Republic, at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. At the training participated 21 representatives from different sectors – e. g. Public sector, research institutions, private companies, higher education and research, national public authority.
The training was started by official welcome speach from Director of the Energy Efficiency Department Mr. Sochor (Ministry of Industry and Trade). After that Michaela Novotna presented basic information about the project E-FIX.
The main part of the training (presented by Michaela Novotná, David Friedl and Jan Jareš) was focused on:
- Basic definition of Crowdfunding
- Models of Crowdfunding
- Potential for use crowdfunding in the field of financing energy savings
- Pilot action in the Czech Republic and abroad.
The official part was closed by the discussion of participants and social networking. The questions were mainly focused on succesfull campaignes in EE in the Czech Republic and in the foreign countries. Mr. Sochor mentioned, that each community should solve their energy goals by systematic approach, where EE and RES should have their place. The participants discussed also detail preparation of CF campaignes.