4 th Ambassador’s and Stakeholder’s meeting project E-FIX in the Czech Republic

Due to the unusual circumstances related with pandemic situation in the Czech Republic, Ambassador’s and Stakeholder’s meeting No. 4 was held in a hybrid form, combining physical and online. Part of the audience joined the meeting at hotel Clarion (České Budějovice, Czech Republic) and another part joined the meeting remote, enabled by audio and video conferencing technology.
The event was attended more than 30 participants from various sectors - such as the public sector, research institutions, private companies, infrastructure providers, etc. A welcome speech of Michaela Novotna, director of JAIP, opened the meeting. Michaela briefly introduced project E-FIX.
Main sessions also lead by Jan Jareš & Bohuslav Čtveráček
● Crowdfunding, EPC, EFCC
● Best practice in the field of energy
● Examples of crowdfunding campaigns
● Pilot actions in the Czech Republic, Action plan
The official part was closed at 13:00 with a stimulating discussion of the participants.