Study Visit in Poland

The Study Visit and EFCC Opening event in Poland took place on June 23rd , 2021 online. Attenders came mainly from public authorities, SMEs in sector of energy and financing and local sectoral agencies. Bartosz Dubiński (MAE) welcomed participants and shortly presented agenda for the day.
The next session was presented by Żaneta Latarowska (MAE) who gave an introduction to E-FIX project, its priorities, final results and presentation of the flagship investment implemented as part of project portfolio and competences building called Modernization of the power supply in in National Residential and Rehabilitation Center for People with Multiple Sclerosis located in Dąbek (KOMR). - from iol heating to natural gas cogeneration unit. Attenders could watch a short film made for the Study Visit, showing the modifications in the center. A full story was presented from the idea to the implementation of the investment in the EPC scheme. All the benefits were analyzed, as well as advice and suggestions on how to successfully implement this type of investment in Poland
Next the presenter showed the idea and project for Energy Financing Competence Center developed thanks to building competences as well as a number of investments carried out during the life of the project. EFCC in Poland will be built upon existing frames of Cluster Mazovian Cluster of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources to offer clients comprehensive advice and evaluation of their investments (one-stop shop) - from the idea to the full implementation of the project.
Finally, Bartosz Dubiński (MAE) conducted a roundtable discussion analyzing the potential of the EPC market in Poland, barriers to financing the energy sector in Poland, as well as innovation and the need for developed Competence Center.