How was the E-FIX Roadmap developed?

The E-FIX Roadmap is a key deliverable developed by the E-FIX project and presents a vision for innovative financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects till 2030. By formulating concrete recommendations for the roll-out of innovative financing instruments, the document seeks to guide different actors in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sector and help maintain the momentum created during the E-FIX project once it ends.
From the very outset, the Roadmap was developed in such a way as to make it as participatory as possible. This meant sharing the document with the different consortium members and obtaining their input. It also involved organising meetings with stakeholders in Brussels and collecting in-depth feedback on the document. These comments were then analysed and a number of them were integrated into the final document. By making the process highly participatory, the feeling of ownership over the document has been strengthened, promoting the Roadmap’s long-term use by both project partners and EU level stakeholders.
You can access the final Roadmap here