E-FIX project has come to the end

On the 17th of August all Project Partners gathered to finalize the project reporting and meet under this project for the last time.
Upon project kick-off meeting, our Consortium started working to achieve the ambitious goals set for the project. E-FIX project aimed at addressing and defeating common barriers to:
- Provide both – energy project implementers and investors – with an accurate assessment of the feasibility of the projects, addressing the common risks of uncertainty of returns and perceived unfeasibility
- Ensure knowledge transfer focused on 3 types of innovative financing mechanisms, building capacities in the partner countries for further strategic development as well as dissemination
During the project lifetime the project realized all assumptions and achieved even more: 6 Country-specific Financing & Gap Analyses, Training curriculum with materials available in 7 languages, Catalogue of evaluation methods, 1 E-FIX Roadmap, 6 Action Plans, 6 Energy Financing Competence Centers, 130 Ambassadors and Pilot Financing Campaigns with investments worth more than 30 mio. Eur and triggering 54 GWh/y primary energy savings and 25 GWh/y renewable energy.
On balance, participating in the E-FIX project has been an enlightening experience for Partners, Ambassadors and Stakeholders. Even with the project ending the mission of triggering innovative financing for sustainable energy investments Will stay the same