E-FIX at C-Track 50 Final Conference

Published: Monday, 07 June 2021

E-FIX joined C-Track 50 project, along with PENTAHELIX and the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy - Europe and EU sister projects and Initiatives (European Energy Award, IMLEMENT, CoME EASY, PROSPECT 2030, JOINT SECAP, STEPPING Plus), with co-organizing a event consisting of 3 workshops between the 20th of May and the 1st of June


E-FIX project was actively involved in the last workshop that delve into various funding mechanisms that can support energy and climate plans. Focus was given in Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI), Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), ELENA Facility (European Local Energy Assistance) and Energy Communities and Crowd-funding. The plenary discussions touched  upon financing options such as market engagement and innovative financing instruments, while the four parallel breakout sessions gave into more details on the above topics.